I am using SendGrid for Python. I want to CC some people in an email. It seems like they may no longer support CC'ing on emails, though I'm not positive if that's true? But surely there is a work around to it somehow, but I am surprised I can't find much support on this.
Here is my basic code:
sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey='*****')
from_email = Email(sender_address, sender_name)
to_email = Email(email_address)
subject = subject
content = Content("text/plain", email_message)
mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content)
response = sg.client.mail.send.post(request_body=mail.get())
How can I modify this so it will CC someone on an email?
I resolved it. Santiago's answer got me mostly there, but here is what I needed to do:
sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey='****')
from_email = Email(sender_address, sender_name)
to_email = Email(to_email)
cc_email = Email(cc_email)
p = Personalization()
subject = subject
content = Content("text/plain", email_message)
mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content)
response = sg.client.mail.send.post(request_body=mail.get())
If you don't include the p.add_to(to_email) it rejects it because there is no "to email" in the personalization object. Also, if you don't include the "to_email" inside the mail object it rejects it because it is looking for that argument, so you have to be a bit redundant and define it twice.