If I run a for loop proceeding multiple times nlsLM() sometimes due to useless data Rstudio stops and shows the following error messenge: "Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates"
So i know that not for every data set fit parameters can be estimated, but what I don't want is, that the entire procedure stops.
If there isn't any error the coefficients are stored in
- so for now I tried a lot for the aim if fitting is not possible that NA is stored in result[x]
- but with no success.
xx <- c(1:10)
result <- vector("numeric")
width<- vector("numeric")
for(x in xx){
temp <- long[ which(long$NR== x), ]
Ytemp <- temp$Yield
Ttemp <- temp$Treatment
M <- nlsLM(Ytemp ~ (maximum + (minimum - maximum)/(1+exp((Ttemp-
start=list(x0=-10, dx=1))
result[x] <- coef(M)[1]
width[x] <- coef(M)[2]
round(result, digits = 1)
round(width, digits = 2)
mean <- mean(result)
sd <- sd(result)
I would be very happy for a hint!
Consider tryCatch
to assign NA
to your vectors for any errors in your model call:
xx <- c(1:10)
result <- vector("numeric")
width<- vector("numeric")
for(x in xx) {
temp <- long[which(long$NR== x),]
Ytemp <- temp$Yield
Ttemp <- temp$Treatment
M <- nlsLM(Ytemp ~ (maximum + (minimum - maximum)/(1+exp((Ttemp-x0)/dx))),
start=list(x0=-10, dx=1))
print(summary(M)) # PRINT MODEL SUMMARY
result[x] <- coef(M)[1] # ASSIGN COEF
width[x] <- coef(M)[2] # ASSIGN COEF
}, error = function(e) {
result[x] <- NA # ASSIGN NA
width[x] <- NA # ASSIGN NA
round(result, digits = 1)
round(width, digits = 2)
mean <- mean(result, na.rm=TRUE) # REMOVE NA
sd <- sd(result, na.rm=TRUE) # REMOVE NA