I have a project running in Ubuntu 16.04 with uWSGI. There are times that I don't want to use restart command and just want to reload the project when I have changes.
When I was still using ubuntu 14.04, I can just use the following commands.
to reload:
sudo reload projectname
to restart
sudo restart projectname
now when I try to restart in Ubuntu 16.04
sudo systemctl restart uwsgi
When I try to reload using this command
sudo systemctl reload uwsgi
This is the error message
Failed to reload uwsgi.service: Job type reload is not applicable for unit uwsgi.service.
Screenshot of the error message.
It looks like you are running uwsgi in Emperor mode.
That means that emperor process is governing its vassals (actual uwsgi processes that run your Django app) and it simply doesn't have reload job in its systemd unit.
Instead you should try just touching the .ini
file of your app.
touch path/to/payroll.ini
Below are couple of resources on Uwsgi, systemd and Emperor mode