I've coded a very simple slide show, that shows a new slide every 5 seconds. The slide show image names are: 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, etc. There is a total of 5 slides. When I refresh my browser, the slide show doesn't work. For the record, I coded this with the help of w3schools.com and other tutorials, and I literaly copied the code from the sites(of course I changed the variables). Even though I did that, it still doesn't work. Pls help.
JS code(in ):
<script type="javascript">
var number=0;
function change_slide() {
if(number>5) {
document.getElementById( "slider" ).style.backgroundImage="url(number + '.png')";
setInterval(change_slide, 5000);
in body tag:
<body onload="change_slide()">
slide show div
<div id="slider"></div>
slide show css
#slider {
margin-right: 50px;
margin-left: 25px;
margin-top: 25px;
border:2px solid black;
border-radius: 15px;
Sorry for no code snippet, but the code of the site is to long.
PS.all slide show images all have dimentions of: 505x330 pixels.
you could consider changing your function to:
var number = 0;
function change_slide() {
number = ++number % 5;
document.getElementById("slider").style.backgroundImage = ["url('", number, "'.png')"].join("");
setTimeout(change_slide, 5000);
This culprit line should be as pointed out by @Matt L