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Zeppelin : Not Showing Hive Database/tables in HDP3.0

I have installed Hortonworks hdp3.0 and configured Zeppelin as well.

When I am running spark or sql, Zeppelin is only showing me default database(This is the default database from Spark which has location as '/apps/spark/warehouse', not the default database of Hive). This is probably because hive.metastore.warehouse.dir property is not set from hive-site.xml and zeppelin is picking this from Spark config (spark.sql.warehouse.dir).

I had similar issue with spark as well and it was due to hive-site.xml file on spark-conf dir, I was able to resolve this by copying hive-site.xml from hive-conf dir to spark-conf dir.

I did the same for Zeppelin as well, copied hive-site.xml in zeppelin dir(where it has zeppelin-site.xml and also copied in zeppelin-external-dependency-conf dir.

But this did not resolve the issue.


  • After copying hive-site.xml from hive-conf dir to spark-conf dir, I restarted the spark services that reverted those changes, I copied hive-site.xml again and it's working now.

    cp /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml /etc/spark2/conf