I used T32 to load bin files and elf and wrote scripts to extract the Pc , Lr register values from the ELF file. Now I have the address for e.g say PC's address is 0xccccdddd. Now I need to get the symbol corresponding to that. I ran gdb and used gdb info symbol 0xccccdddd and got the symbol name. But I need to know if there is any command in T32 itself to get the symbol name. Or can I get the symbol name from some commands like readelf or objdump. Thanks in advance.
The command to open a window to see all the static symbols is
To learn more about that window, I recommend to check the "Training HLL Debugging" (training_hll.pdf) from your TRACE32 installation.
To get only the symbol related to one single address use the PRACTICE function sYmbol.Name(<addr>)
. Functions have to be used together with a command. To simply display the name use the command PRINT
PRINT sYmbol.Name(P:0xccccdddd)
Note that the address-offset has to be prefixed by an access class. Usually the access class "P:" stands for program memory, while "D:" stands for data memory. See the "Processor Architecture Manual" for more CPU specific access classes (Menu > Help > Processor Architecture Manual)