I'm using spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.0.1
these are the application.properties
This is the main class.
public class JanusApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(JanusApplication.class, args);
This's the java method that I want to cache result of it.
public class GremlinService {
@Cacheable(value = "edges")
public String getEdgeId(long fromId, long toId, String label) {
// basically finds an edge in graph database
public Edge createEdge(Vertex from, Vertex to, String label){
String edgeId = getEdgeId((Long) from.id(), (Long) to.id(), label);
if (!Util.isEmpty(edgeId)) {
// if edge created before, use its id to query it again
return getEdgeById(edgeId);
} else {
return createNewEdge((Long) from.id(), (Long) to.id(), label);
I don't have any other configuration for redis or cache. Although it does not throw any error, it does not cache anything. I check with redis-cli.
In order for the caching to work, the function to be cached must be called from an external class. That's because Spring creates a proxy for your bean and resolves the caching when the method call passes through that proxy. If the function call is done internally, it doesn't pass the proxy and thus the caching is not applied.
Here's another answer that adresses this question: Spring cache @Cacheable method ignored when called from within the same class