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Wtforms- writing fieldlist data into mysql

Suppose I have a form like so:

Toys= FieldList(TextField('what toys do you have?'),min_entries=5)
Fruits= FieldList(TextField('what fruits do you have?'),min_entries=5)
Jewelry= FieldList(TextField('what jewelries do you have?'),min_entries=5)
Candy= FieldList(TextField('what candies do you have?'),min_entries=5)

without explicitly defining the submitted values like Toy1=form.Toys[1].data, how might I aggregate all the FieldList data in a form submission for writing into a SQL table like so:?

Toys | Fruits | Jewelry | Candy
ball  apple    Necklace  M&Ms
stick orange   Bracelet  skittles
top   grapes   tie clip  lollipop

For the sake of simplicity, I've set min_entries=5 for all fields. I tried using a for loop to append column names and values into a dictionary and writing it into my database like so:

    for f in form:
        if str(f.type) in ['FieldList']:
            for x in range(1,5):
                    sql_insert="INSERT INTO tablename ({}) values ({})".format(
                        ",".join('"' + str(value) + '"' for value in field_dict.values()))

However, it's writing into the database everytime it encounters a Fieldlist, resulting in a table like:

 Toys | Fruits | Jewelry | Candy
ball   NULL       NULL     NULL
ball   apple      NULL     NULL
ball   apple     Necklace  NULL
ball   apple     Necklace  M&Ms


  • My reading of the question is that you have a list of entries from your form you want to combine into a tuple and insert into the database..

    To save me some typing lets say you have:

    # some list of keys obtained or hard coded as global..
    KEYS = ['Toys', 'Fruits', 'Candy']
    # and a form in which you have
    Toys= FieldList(TextField('what toys do you have?'),min_entries=3)
    Fruits= FieldList(TextField('what fruits do you have?'),min_entries=3)
    Candy= FieldList(TextField('what candies do you have?'),min_entries=3)

    Now your job is to cycle the form and package up a tuple:

    form = Form()
    for _i in range(3):
        tup = ()
        for key in KEYS:
            tup += (getattr(form, key)[_i].data,)
        sql = "INSERT INTO tablename ({}) values {}".format(
                  ",".join(KEYS), str(tup))

    Give it (or some debugged derivative!) a try