I have a whole bunch of very narrow columns in a DevExpress GridView and I want to save on column header width by making the caption text (which is too wide even at 3-4 letter abbreviations) slanted / diagonal. Well, so I guess I could get rid of text captions and replace them with pictures of diagonal text, at least if GridView will allow sufficient height for the header.
Is there any built-in way to just display the rotated text without going the image way? I don't think I am the first programmer out there trying to squeeze out horizontal space like that, so this doesn't sound like an outlandish thing to support in a popular grid component :-)
If not, and so I do have to use an image for column header, any relevant suggestions or warnings?
XtraGrid does not provide a built in functionality to show column header captions this way. However, this can be done within the CustomDrawColumnHeader event handler. We have posted a tutorial showing how this can be done. By default, it should be located at:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress 2010.2 Demos\Components\WinForms\XtraGrid\CS\GridTutorials\GridVerticalHeaders
NOTE, as this feature is implemented using custom draw. It means that this text is only painted this way. Custom drawn text won't be exported or printed.