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ionic native storage does not work on iOS

I use Ionic 3 on one of my projects with an authentication system. I use native storage when the user wants to connect. It works on Android but on iOS, it redirects me to the login screen even using platform.ready (). I saw that several people were a similar problem but no answer, so I wanted to know if someone was facing the same problem and if he found a solution. Here is my code:

this.plt.ready().then(() => {
                            this.nativeStorage.setItem('userStorage', { stayConnected: (typeof this.stayConnected == "undefined" || this.stayConnected == false ? '' : 'stayConnected'), userId: (result as any).id, userLogin: (result as any).login })
                                    () => {
                                    error => {
                                        this.presentToast(this.languageLogin.error, 3000, "bottom");
                        error => {
                            this.presentToast(this.languageLogin.error, 3000, "bottom");

thank you for your answers.


  • I would put 2 function storeUser() and getUser() into the same provider UserService like belows Then add UserService to the constructor of any pages required. It works for both IOS, Android and web

    import {Storage} from '@ionic/storage';
    import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
    export class UserService {
     constructor(private storage: Storage){}
     public storeUser(userData): void {'userData', userData);
    public getUser(): Observable<any>
      return Observable.fromPromise('userData').then((val) => {
                return !!val;