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Getting more information selecting by a Combobox Powershell

Hello guys I'm currently coding an IHM in powershell to configure switches. I'm using a combobox to select a model. The combobx is generated using a dataview generated by a datasource, and the datasource is generated from a csv file by a foreach.

My problem is the following : I can only recover a single column.


$list1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Combobox
$list1.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 9,45
$list1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(250,30)
$list1.DropDownStyle = "DropDownList"
$list1.BindingContext = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext
$list1.DataSource = $vu1
$list1.ValueMember = "Model"
$list1.DisplayMember = "Model"  
$list1.SelectedValue = ""   

Reading infos

Write-Host "$list1.SelectedValue" 

Edit foreach and creation of the dataview


$ImportData = import-csv "E:\PS\A faire\equipement.csv" -Delimiter ';' | Select Model,Type,Port,Firmware,Comware
$table1 = New-Object system.Data.DataTable
$colonne1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Model,([string])
$colonne2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Port,([string])
$colonne3 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Comware,([string])
$colonne4 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Firmware,([string])
foreach ($data in $ImportData)
 $model = $data.Model
 $type = $data.Type
 $port = $data.Port
 $firmware = $data.Firmware
 $comware= $data.Comware
 $ligne1 = $table1.NewRow()
 $ligne1.Model = "$model "+"$type"
 $ligne1.Port = "$port"
 $ligne1.Comware = "$comware"
 $ligne1.Firmware = "$firmware"


$vu1 = New-Object System.Data.DataView($table1)


  • Instead of using 4 colums in the datasource I put everything in one and then a split. Code after :

    $ligne1.Model = "$model "+"$type " + "$port " + "$comware " + "$firmware "

    Then you can use a split() to have a usable value.