I'm using this snippet as video source to mess with it later:
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core
video = core.ffms2.Source("videotest.mkv")
How can i get timestamp of specified frame or get list of timestamps for every frame?
According to the docs of FFMS2 and The VapourSynth API-Reference the timestamp of the frame can be obtained by accessing the _AbsoluteTime
prop of each frame.
Use video.frames()
to get an iterator over every frame:
for frame in video.frames():
Here another example:
>>> import vapoursynth
>>> s = vapoursynth.core.ffms2.Source(r"Z:\Anime\Serien\Incomplete\Akanesasu Shoujo\[HorribleSubs] Akanesasu Shoujo - 01 [1080p].mkv")
>>> f = s.get_frame(0)
>>> f.props
<vapoursynth.VideoProps {'_AbsoluteTime': 0.043, '_ChromaLocation': 0, '_ColorRange': 1, '_DurationDen': 1000, '_DurationNum': 41, '_FieldBased': 0, '_Matrix': 2, '_PictType': b'I', '_Primaries': 2, '_SARDen': 1, '_SARNum': 1, '_Transfer': 2}>
>>> f.props._AbsoluteTime