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Field placement when editing items in N2 cms?

Working on N2 CMS I'm adding my own content type Product. I derive my Product class from ContentPageBase and I can add it in the content tree. When I edit an item however, the fields seem to be inverted (Title and Text). For all example items (e.g. News) Title always shows up at the top.

I understand there is a ContainerName property which can be set to a tabname, however I don't see any property overrides for Title or Text in the News class, so how can this be?

Editing news item

Editing news item

Editing product

Editing product item

Product.cs (custom)

using N2;
using N2.Web;
using N2.Details;
using N2.Integrity;

namespace N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Pages
  /// <summary>
  /// This class represents the data transfer object that encapsulates 
  /// the information used by the template.
  /// </summary>
  [WithEditableTitle, WithEditableName]
  public class Product : ContentPageBase


News.cs (default)

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using N2.Definitions;
using N2.Details;
using N2.Integrity;
using N2.Templates.Mvc.Services;
using N2.Web.Mvc;
using N2.Persistence;

namespace N2.Templates.Mvc.Models.Pages
    [PageDefinition("News", Description = "A news page.", SortOrder = 155,
        IconUrl = "~/Content/Img/newspaper.png")]
    [RestrictParents(typeof (NewsContainer))]
    public class News : ContentPageBase, ISyndicatable
        public News()
            Visible = false;
            Syndicate = true;

        [EditableTextBox("Introduction", 90, ContainerName = Tabs.Content, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 4,
            Columns = 80)]
        public virtual string Introduction
            get { return (string) (GetDetail("Introduction") ?? string.Empty); }
            set { SetDetail("Introduction", value, string.Empty); }

        string ISyndicatable.Summary
            get { return Introduction; }

        [Persistable(PersistAs = PropertyPersistenceLocation.Detail)]
        public virtual bool Syndicate { get; set; }


  • The Title and Name editors aren't set on the properties themselves but on the Class.

    See the WithEditableTitle and WithEditableName attributes on your class.

    And News class doesn't have to specify them because it inherits from ContentPageBase instead of the root ContentItem class that your Product class is using. ContentPageBase has the Title and Name editors already specified so News doesn't have to again.