Over my repository I have the following method:
* List and Seatch for existing emails
* @param Integer $page The pagination page
* @param Integet $limit The page limit
* @return String[]
public function getEmailListInOrderToSendEmail()
$queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
return [];
return $value;
A custom example of the returned type that I want to get returned is the following:
But Instead the following result is returned:
So a Naive approach is to iterate over the results with a loop and unfold it:
foreach($results as $result){
But seems way to inefficient to me. Is there a way to format the returned query data on the way that being fetched without the need to do the loop?
The reason I am asking is because the result set may become rather big and iterating over a big array seems a bit slow (for example in a batch process via cli using a symfony command).
You should create your own Hydrator as :
namespace AppBundle\Hydrators;
use Doctrine\ORM\Internal\Hydration\AbstractHydrator;
class ColumnHydrator extends AbstractHydrator
protected function hydrateAllData()
return $this->_stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
And load it on entity Manager when you need to load the data as an array:
//Namepsace Definitions etc etc
use AppBundle\Hydrators\ColumnHydrator;
//Class definition
* List and Search for existing emails
* @param Integer $page The pagination page
* @param Integer $limit The page limit
* @return String[]
public function getEmailListInOrderToSendEmail()
$em->getConfiguration()->addCustomHydrationMode('ColumnHydrator', ColumnHydrator::class);
$queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
return [];
return $value;
As you can see:
You load the hydrator via $em->getConfiguration()->addCustomHydrationMode('ColumnHydrator', ColumnHydrator::class);
Instead of fetching the results with getScalarResult
fetch it with a simple getResult
and pass as parameter the custom Hydrator.