laravel paginator is not working with LIKE in where clause
laravel/framework version: v5.6.33
$search_qs = $request->input('search');
$query = Article::where("status", 2);
$query->where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $search_qs . '%');
$articles = $query->paginate(3);
{{ $articles->links() }}
database queries
select * from `articles` where `status` = '2' and `title` LIKE '%txt2search%' limit 3 offset 0
!!! OK !!!
but, when I click on page 2 in the paginator
select * from `articles` where `status` = '2' and `title` LIKE '%%' limit 3 offset 3
0. 2 (`status` = ?)
1. %% (`title` LIKE ?)
values should be stored in session, or flash_session ?? but LIKE value is not retrieved
You have to append custom values like this to the pagination links:
$articles = $query->paginate(3)->appends($request->only('search_qs'));