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Getting cross domain errors with getJSON even when specifying callback

I'm trying to use the following to get metadata from Worldcat about some books:

$.getJSON( "" + $isbn[1] + "?method=getMetadata&format=json&callback=mymethod&fl=*");

Where $isbn[1] is a ten or thirteen digit number (0123456789 works).

I can put* and I get the results I need, but I'm not crossing domains to do that.

The console is reporting XMLHttpRequest cannot load*. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.

I am doing all this on jsfiddle. Thinking maybe that could be the problem I tried locally, but no difference. What am I doing wrong?


  • I wasn't following the API documentation properly and put the success handler's name in the URL, rather than sending it as the data parameter.

    I had:

     $.getJSON( "*");

    But it should have been:

    $.getJSON( "http:/*&callback=?", mymethod);