I am trying to search all tweets with a given hashtag (Using titanium appcelerator). I have a working code to search all tweets from a given user (for example @prayforjapan).
Now I'm trying to get all the tweets from #prayforjapan. This isn't working.. I tried the following method (since i found it on here
Now to search for the names i use this url:
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.timeout = 1000000;
For the Hashsearch i tried the following code (doesn't work tho)
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.timeout = 1000000;
Does anyone know what's wrong with this search? or which link it should be?
Well, I played with it for a little bit and came up with this link format.
How does that work?