I have created a pl/sql procedure
for a package that is performing a reconciliation between sets of tables which should match.
I am using listagg to concatenate the column names of the current table name in the loop into a string used in a dynamic SQL statement that compares two tables (34 sets, looped for each table name).
The procedure worked as expected, but the results were returned unexpectedly from the minus. After researching, I determined that some fields contained a HEX (00) character received in the flat file that populates the data on only the data from one side of the recon. In order to account for the special characters, I added a regexp_replace concatenated in line with the listagg in the column name select so it outputs the complete listagg results with each column name wrapped in a regexp_replace.
It works. However, some tables have over a hundred columns, and the listagg failes for the results being over 4000 characters.
Is there a better way to go about this entire thing?
Here is the code:
Collects column names into the comma-separated list (comma character is concatenated into the string itself for use as a separator in dynamic SQL select below)
execute immediate
'SELECT ' || q'{listagg('regexp_replace(' || column_name || ', ''[^A-Z0-9 ]'', '''')', '||'', '' || ')}' || ' within group (order by rownum) "COLUMN_NAME"
FROM user_tab_cols
where table_name =''' || csrpubtable.table_name || ''''
into v_column_names;
These two dynamic SQL statements perform the reconciliation in both directions. These aren't directly related to the error, but definitely to my question of a better overall way to accomplish the task.
--Insert data to RECON_PUB_TABLES where record exists in FILE but not PROD
execute immediate
SELECT ''' || csrpubtable.table_name || ''', ''FILE'' , ' || v_column_names || ', trunc(sysdate) from ' || csrpubtable.table_name || '
SELECT ''' || csrpubtable.table_name || ''', ''FILE'' , ' || v_column_names || ', trunc(sysdate) from ' || csrpubtable.table_name || '@pub_recon2prod where trunc(' || v_lastupdate_column || ') <= trunc(to_date(''' || v_compare_date || ''', ''dd-MON-yy''))';
--Insert data to RECON_PUB_TABLES where record exists in PROD but not FILE
execute immediate
SELECT ''' || csrpubtable.table_name || ''', ''PROD'' , ' || v_column_names || ', trunc(sysdate) from ' || csrpubtable.table_name || '@pub_recon2prod where trunc(' || v_lastupdate_column || ') <= trunc(to_date(''' || v_compare_date || ''', ''dd-MON-yy''))
SELECT ''' || csrpubtable.table_name || ''', ''PROD'' , ' || v_column_names || ', trunc(sysdate) from ' || csrpubtable.table_name ;
varchar2 is limited to 32k within plsql if 32 is enough you can try something like this
create or replace procedure conc_col_names(tableName IN varchar2) as
collist varchar2(32767);
for xx in (select * from user_tab_columns where table_name = tableName order by column_name asc) loop
if ( length(collist) > 0) then
collist := collist||',';
end if;
collist := collist||'regexp_replace('||xx.column_name||',''[^A-Z0-9 ]'')';
end loop;
/* add the rest code for comparing rows in the two table here */