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snmpd pass to run python

Im trying to query a modbus device trough snmp using snmpd to pass a python script to retrieve data.

#! /bin/bash
if [ "$1" = "-g" ]
echo .
echo string
python /usr/local/bin/
exit 0

And this is the looks like :

import minimalmodbus
eqp = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0',1) # port name, slave address (in decimal)
# skip some other lines for serial port initialization
volt = eqp.read_float(0,4,2) # getting data from serial modbus
print volt

and this line from my snmpd.conf :

pass . /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/

my question : I got traceback from python, couldnot find minimalmodbus module, but when i tried to run the from directly from host, it is working as expected (it can print out the result (volt) )

pi@raspberrypi:/usr/local/bin $

I also tried using simple python script ( just to make sure if snmpd pass can run python script on respond of snmpget from snmp manager

import sys
print "test"

It run OK :

suryo@r50e:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -c public .
iso. = STRING: "test"

what is the problem here ? seems that python could not import external module when it is run by snmpd pass. I'm thinking if this is an access control issue, Debian-snmp doesnt have right to access serial port..


  • Problem is solved, by finding out the username of the snmpd daemon. I put whoami in the script and got 'Debian-snmp', then becoming straight forward, checking group membership by running :

    pi@rraspberrypi:~$ groups Debian-snmp
    Debian-snmp : Debian-snmp

    Put Debian-snmp in the dialout membership to grant full access to serial ports:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo usermod -a  -G dialout Debian-snmp

    Restart the snmpd to logon with new membership, and voilla..It can read the slave modbus device from snmp command /snmpget