So, I have a project where I need to program a Real time system on the microbit using Ada
I've come accross a problem, by using the arm-elf library and compiler I seem to lose access to all Ada base libraries, that is, the only one I can use is Ada.Text_IO, all others can't seem to be found by the IDE
I want to debug my code, printing the data I'm receiving from the accelerometer, but it's a number, and the library Ada.Text_IO only works with strings, so I tried to use Ada.Integer_Text_IO which was not found.
But if I change in project settings to the ada base compiler, I can compile and build my code (which means the code is correct), but I'm missing the button to flash it to the microbit
Well, the runtime provided for the MicroBit is a ZFP which means Zero FootPrint runtime. So you shouldn't expect all the standard library to be implemented... But expect that there's nothing :) In fact, you only have what exists in the Ada drivers library.
Moreover, what would be IO on such a microcontroller ? Where do you expect it to output ?
If you want to output something, take a look at this example and use Image attribute of your number.