i need to get all AppointmentItems from a Calendar, but after a few Items i got an exception with an error thats says that the maximum of opened items is limited. I don´t loop them through an foreach-loop so there should be no problem with the reference. I instantly "convert" these Items into my Type of Item so that i can Release the Objects. I also set the reference of the object to null after i released the Object AND i tried to call the Garbage Collector but the Error still occurs.
Items items = application.Session.GetFolderFromID(MainCalendar).Items;
for(Int32 i = 1; i < items.Count; i++)
AppointmentItem appointmentItem = items[i] as AppointmentItem;
TempOutlookAppointment tempApp = new TempOutlookAppointment();
appointmentItem = null;
// Adding tempApp to a List
// FillFromAppointmentItem
public void FillFromAppointmentItem(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem appointmentItem)
AllDayEvent = appointmentItem.AllDayEvent;
Body = appointmentItem.Body;
End = appointmentItem.End;
Location = appointmentItem.Location;
OutlookLinkID = appointmentItem.UserProperties.Find("LINKID") != null
? Guid.Parse(appointmentItem.UserProperties.Find("LINKID").Value.ToString())
: Guid.Empty;
Start = appointmentItem.Start;
if (appointmentItem.IsRecurring)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.RecurrencePattern pattern = appointmentItem.GetRecurrencePattern();
TerminSerie serie = new TerminSerie()
MaxOccurences = pattern.Occurrences,
PatternDayOfMonth = pattern.DayOfMonth,
PatternFrequency = pattern.RecurrenceType == Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursDaily ? PatternFrequency.Daily : pattern.RecurrenceType == Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthly ? PatternFrequency.Monthly : pattern.RecurrenceType == Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursWeekly ? PatternFrequency.Weekly : PatternFrequency.Yearly,
PatternInterval = pattern.RecurrenceType == Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthly ? pattern.Interval / 12 : pattern.Interval,
PatternMonthOfYear = pattern.MonthOfYear,
RangeEndDate = pattern.PatternEndDate,
RangeLimit = pattern.NoEndDate ? RangeLimit.NoLimit : pattern.Occurrences > 0 ? RangeLimit.ByOccurences : RangeLimit.ByDate,
RangeStartDate = pattern.PatternStartDate
Int32 i = pattern.DayOfWeekMask.GetHashCode();
List<System.DayOfWeek> days = new List<System.DayOfWeek>();
if (i >= 64)
i -= 64;
if (i >= 32)
i -= 32;
if (i >= 16)
i -= 16;
if (i >= 8)
i -= 8;
if (i >= 4)
i -= 4;
if (i >= 2)
i -= 2;
if (i == 1)
serie.PatternDaysOfWeek = days;
Subject = appointmentItem.Subject;
I hope you can help my with my Problem.
5 Days I just don't understood why this isn't working, now I got randomly a solution.
For those who have the same Problem: I just had to change this line:
to this one:
while(Marshal.ReleaseComObject(appointmentItem) > 0)
I don't now why, but it works now.