should be dumb as everybody seems to installed it without trouble. I spent hours within a fresh squeeze and tried different configurations (easy_install, aptitude and from source 0.81p.tar.gz) the best I got is a page from the localhost:9989 without any slave started.
Knowing that I made the 2 accounts : buildmaster and buildslave how to clean and reinstall it to have server and 1 slave for git ?
thanks in advance
Added :
You are right some details are missing:
I use buildbot from virtualBox with a Debian squeeze 6.0 in 32bits The both accounts : buildmaster and buildslave are running within this same Virtual environment.
I just tried the little example (this seems really interesting) : easy_install buildbot buildbot create-master /tmp/experimental_buildmaster buildbot start /tmp/experimental_buildmaster
it seems I'm closer with this no ?
for people like kamal this may be usefull :
The little demo works now: - I did all as root with no build accounts. - easy_install buildbot - buildbot create-master /tmp/experimental_buildmaster
cp /tmp/experimental_buildmaster/master.cfg.example xperimental_buildmaster/master.cfg edit it
and pay attention to : slavePortnum default is :9989 and git confs : buildmaster will give errors with bad params
buildbot start /tmp/experimental_buildmaster
wait for the "started sucessfully"
easy_install buildbot-slave
buildslave create-slave /tmp/experimental_buildslave localhost:9989 example-slave Password
I strongly disagree with the proposed ".. .. .."
buildslave start /tmp/experimental_buildslave
and now for something completely different : open browser to localhost:8010
the welcome page is here, click buildslave to see your slave: rock'n roll !