Can you please help me to get the best method for dividing two text string with option strict on
If TxDovizAlisAlt1.Text <> "" Then
TxOranUst.Text = Math.Round(TxDovizAlisAlt2.Text / TxDovizAlisAlt1.Text, 4)
End If
Text string are retrieving from a web page either with "." or "," decimal sembol
Since you have text (string) inside textbox, you first have to convert that text to actual number.
Without knowing what the actual data is in them I'll be vague and say that you can use something like TryParse, Cast or Convert.
For example:
Math.Round(CDbl(TxDovizAlisAlt2.Text) / CDbl(TxDovizAlisAlt1.Text), 4)
Dim test As Double = Math.Round(CDbl("123.456") / CDbl("78.910"), 4)
Debug.Print(test.ToString) 'Print>>> 1.5645