I have added a non-root user to my Linux os to use it for my daily needs. However, I am not able to use shortcuts I am used to.
To use my previous codes I normally press UP or DOWN button on my keyboard. Now with a non-root user, it shows
$ ^[[A // When I press UP arrow
$ ^[[B // or DOWN arrow and so on...
Why a nonroot user cannot use shortcuts and how can I use them
Looks your default shell is not bash. You can check it by running (when not root)
echo $SHELL
ps -p `echo $$`
My best guess it is ksh.
You don't have to use bash - but is used by most people as it is most user friendly and should be available for all distros.
There are other shells - ksh, csh, tcsh, zsh or fish. Last two are nice alternative to bash.