Using VS 2008, I have a Repeater control:
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="storesRep" DataSourceID="storeSqlDataSource"
<table style="padding:0px">
<td style="width:200px"><asp:Label ID="infoLbl" runat="server">
Choose stores for upload:</asp:Label>
<td style="width:110px">
<asp:Label ID="storeLbl" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>'>
<td><asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="storeCheck" /></td>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="storeSqlDataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:someConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [StoreId], [Name] FROM [Store] Order By [Name]">
Now I would like to display a default text like "No stores found" if data source returns no items from database. Until now I have mostly used GridView
where I didn't have problems because of the EmptyDataText
You could workaround the fact that Repeater
does not support a inbuilt way to accomplish what you are doing by using the FooterTemplate
in conjunction with the OnItemDataBound
event and showing the footer only when the data source returns no items.
Examples on how you can do this can be found at: