I want to translate a SQL query to cypher. Please, is there any solution to make GROUP BY in cypher?
SELECT dt.d_year,
item.i_brand_id brand_id,
item.i_brand brand,
Sum(ss_ext_discount_amt) sum_agg
FROM date_dim dt,
WHERE dt.d_date_sk = store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk
AND store_sales.ss_item_sk = item.i_item_sk
AND item.i_manufact_id = 427
AND dt.d_moy = 11
GROUP BY dt.d_year,
ORDER BY dt.d_year,
sum_agg DESC,
In Cypher, GROUP BY is done implicitly by all of the aggregate functions. In a WITH/RETURN statement, any columns not part of an aggregate will be the GROUP BY key.
So for example in
MATCH (n:Person)
RETURN COUNT(n), n.name, n.age
The count will count all nodes that have the same name and age. If I instead do
MATCH (n:Person)
RETURN COUNT(n), n.name, MIN(n.age), MAX(n.age)
I will get the count of how many people have the same name, as well as the age range for that name.