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Calling static method from non-static method in Typescript

I have some static stuff in all my hierarchy (in this example, the _image). I would want to be able to access the correspondant _image without having to repeat the code:

This would be great:

class Actor {
    static _image; // I need it to be static

    method show(){  // I need it to be non-static
        this.setImage(this.class._image); //doesn't work....

class GoodActor extends Actor {
    static _image = 'good.png'

class BadActor extends Actor {
    static _image = 'bad.png'

class MediumActor extends Actor {
    static _image = 'medium.png'

But it doesn't work. Right now I only got to:

class Actor {

class GoodActor extends Actor {
    static _image = 'good.png'  // I need it to be static

    method show(){   // I need it to be non-static

class BadActor extends Actor {
    static _image = 'bad.png'  // I need it to be static

    method show(){  // I need it to be non-static

class MediumActor extends Actor {
    static _image = 'medium.png'  // I need it to be static

    method show(){  // I need it to be non-static

Suppose those four classes have more methods. I don't want to have to repeat the show() method in every subclass... Yet I need the show() method to be non static and the _image to be statically accessed.

I have read this issue but unfortunatelly I can't ask there as they have closed it without fixing it. None of them talked about this problem of needing to dynamically resolve the static method to be invoked.


  • Update: Why don't you want to construct the individual objects prior to caching images? If you make construction inexpensive, there's no benefit of using static fields.


    class Actor {
        image: string;
        showImage() {
    class GoodActor extends Actor {
        image = 'good.png';
    class BadActor extends Actor {
        image = 'bad.png';
    const myActorTypes: (typeof Actor)[] = [GoodActor, BadActor];
    function preloadImages() {
        for (let myActorType of myActorTypes) {
            preloadImage(new myActorType().image);
    function preloadImage(image: string) {
        console.log(`Loading ${image}`);
    // "Loading good.png"
    // "Loading bad.png"