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Serilog ForContext not working as expected

I am using serilog & SEQ with Autofac (DI) in my project (MVC/ web api etc). Although it's working fine but not sure it's the right way.

I have few questions. please help

Q1) How can I make LoggerConfiguration is manage via Web.config (appsetting) such as Verbose/Debug etc.

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

Q2) With Everymessage I would like to write userid. I have used push propery with out "using" statement. see below code

public partial class Repo : BaseRepo<db>
        public Repo(ILogger logger) : base(logger)
            var currentuser = GetUserName();
            LogContext.PushProperty("User Name", currentuser);        
  public void somefunction()
    catch(exception e){
          Logger.Error(e, "Message");

Q3) In a constructor I have used Logger.ForContext() assuming this will write class name to each message. but it's not working.


Note: I am not using core/.Net core


  • The ForContext returns a new ILogger reference that has the context information being added to the logger, so you have to capture that reference and use that for logging.


    public class YourClass
        private readonly ILogger _log;
        public YourClass(ILogger log)
            _log = log
                .ForContext("CurrentUserName", GetUserName());
            // ...
        public void Somefunction()
                // ...
            catch(exception ex)
                _log.Error(ex, "Message...");

    ps: Given that you're using Autofac, you might be interested in using the Autofac-Serilog integration for contextual logger injection, instead of doing it manually.