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When Instrumenting Zuul gateway with Jaeger, all routes marked GET

I am using Zuul as an api-gateway in a spring-cloud micro-service app, so that every access to api-gateway/some-service/a_route is redirected to /a_route in a generic way (the discovery is backed by consul).

I am trying to use Jaeger to instrument this system. And at this point I am using opentracing-spring-web-autoconfigure, because I cannot upgrade my spring boot/cloud version easily (I am using1.4.5.RELEASE Camden.SR7). So I just added the dependency, created the Jaeger tracer and redirect it to the docker all in one collector.

I have begin by instrumenting the gateway and It somewhat works => It generate span on the gateway, but all the route are marked :

apigateway-service: GET

and there is no information concerning the forwarded route at this level, the full route itself is store in a tag : http.url

To be useful I would prefer to have span named :

apigateway-service: GET collection-service/collections/projects/

Can this be configured somewhere ?


  • No, it cannot, but it wouldn't hurt to open an issue there with this suggestion.