I am new to ngrx and I have a problem with unsubscribing. I am using both the latest versions of Angular and ngrx.
I have CreateState and ModelState. After creating CreateState within a dialogue, I want to copy CreateState to be part of ModelState and then clearing CreateState so the dialogue becomes empty.
For this, I am first receiving the whole state of CreateState and then calling an Action of ModelState for copying.
this.store$.select(CreateSelectors.selectCreateState).subscribe((state: CreateState.State) => {
this.store$.dispatch(new ModelActions.CreateAction(state));
After I moved to the new page, I am calling an action on CreateState for clearing.
ngOnInit() {
this.store$.dispatch(new CreateActions.ClearAction());
But it seems that the Select Subscription from my first page is still listening, so clearing the CreateState fires the select and again dispatches the ModelActions.CreateAction.
I tried listening just for the .first()
Observable or unsubscribing from the Observable but Typescript says there is no function for .first()
or .unsubscribe()
Am I getting something wrong? Should I use a different approach for moving and clearing states?
you should run your Code through a pipe, there you can use the first() operator.
first(), // should unsubscribe after first iteration
tap( (state: CreateState) => {
this.store$.dispatch(new ModelActions.CreateAction(state));
Or you could set a variable and subscribe to it.
const subscription = this.store$.select(CreateSelectors.selectCreateState).pipe(
tap( (state: CreateState) => {
this.store$.dispatch(new ModelActions.CreateAction(state));
// if you don't subscribe nothing will happen
// unsubscribes after first iteration
some documentation:
live demo of first()
documentation of first() RxJS Documentation learn-rxjs