i built an orgChart using tree Object and FormGroup. As you can see, i've nodes associated each one.
var treen = [{
name:"name 2",
cargo:"cargo 2",
subordinados: []
Each "subordinados" is an FormArray.
when i use formGroup.setPath() to do add new index in "subordinados" as FormGroup type, seems it does not work. and the formGroup still the same.
follow the method i to do it:
clicou( f: FormControl)
const arrColaborador = new FormArray([]);
const sub = this.builder.group({
nome: new FormControl('teste'),
cargo: new FormControl('teste'),
subordinados: arrColaborador
subordinados: [sub]
how can i do that and make the formArray sting changed by the method ?
I found answer following a https://alligator.io/angular/reactive-forms-formarray-dynamic-fields/
as you see, i've used var subordinados = f.get('subordinados') as FormArray;
to get formArray and so, i use subordinados.push()
to add a new index.
this way works with me.