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Katalon Recorder - Validating Basket Subtotal

I am using Katalon Recorder to automate some website tests. One is to check that basket subtotal is calculated correctly. I can replay the test all the way to the check-out stage and here I can check that the values are correct by actually looking at them. I can even highlight the value and see that it has element ID. But how do I write a test so that if that value is not, say, £999.99 - the test fails? Do I need Katalon Studio for this?

Basket value that I want to validate automatically

P.S. I have no experience with coding, so apologies for using layman's terms.


  • My suggestion is, after you recorded the test, use the recording as a starting point, not as a complete piece of work.

    You need to verify text inside of an element, right? So, add a few lines to your test:

    String elementText = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('path to object in OR'), 'value')
    WebUI.verifyMatch(elementText, '£999.99', false)