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Cosine similarity of Documents

Data format CSV

Total number of documents 500. number of fields 10.

view of data enter image description here

i want to calculate parallel cosine similarity of Each "Docs" with all 500 documents,

expected out put

enter image description here


  • Does this do what you want? To compute the similarity of all (500*499)/2 combinations, you can do something like this:

    # Create some mock data
    df <-replicate(10, rnorm(500))
    rownames(df) <- paste0("doc", seq_len(nrow(df)))
    colnames(df) <- paste0("field", seq_len(ncol(df)))
    # Vector lengths
    vl <- sqrt(rowSums(df*df))
    # Matrix of all combinations
    comb <- t(combn(1:nrow(df), 2))
    # Compute cosine similarity for all combinations
    csim <- apply(comb, 1, FUN = function(i) sum(apply(df[i, ], 2, prod))/prod(vl[i]))
    # Create a data.frame of the results
    res <- data.frame(docA = rownames(df)[comb[,1]],
                      docB = rownames(df)[comb[,2]],
                      csim = csim)
    #  docA docB       csim
    #1 doc1 doc2 -0.6431972
    #2 doc1 doc3 -0.2560444
    #3 doc1 doc4 -0.4911942
    #4 doc1 doc5 -0.2207487
    #5 doc1 doc6  0.4764924
    #6 doc1 doc7  0.5867607
    #         docA   docB      csim
    #124745 doc497 doc498 1.0714338
    #124746 doc497 doc499 0.8439304
    #124747 doc497 doc500 1.1806366
    #124748 doc498 doc499 0.9326781
    #124749 doc498 doc500 1.4783254
    #124750 doc499 doc500 1.3626494

    Note, it does not really make sense to have the original vector values of the fields in this output table. Each number is a comparison and coputation of two rows in your data.


    If you want it no matrix form, you can compute it directly by:

    res_mat <- tcrossprod(df)/tcrossprod(vl)
    print(res_mat[1:5, 1:5])
    #           doc1       doc2       doc3       doc4       doc5
    #doc1  1.0000000 -0.6431972 -0.2560444 -0.4911942 -0.2207487
    #doc2 -0.6431972  1.0000000  0.3996618  0.3365490 -0.1434239
    #doc3 -0.2560444  0.3996618  1.0000000  0.2856842  0.2781019
    #doc4 -0.4911942  0.3365490  0.2856842  1.0000000  0.2287057
    #doc5 -0.2207487 -0.1434239  0.2781019  0.2287057  1.0000000