I have developed my little own framework, which depends on some model classes. I am using the framework on different projects, but with side effect that project-related changes in the framework are not committed to one "single" framework code, but the changes lost for the other projects.
Now I want to outsource the framework code to one single place and symlink in my projects to that code. So that I am using one model in the framework I have a schema.xml for the framework. In the projects I need also schema.xml files for project-related models. In one project I need to extend generated classes of the framework model.
Is there a way to extend a schema.xml file, so that the propel_generator can generate correct sql file and model classes?
Or is there any workaround / better way for such issues?
I guess that you could use the <external-schema>
element and split your schema into the "common" part and the "project specific" part (containing an <external-schema>
element pointing to the "common" schema).
See Propel doc : http://www.propelorm.org/wiki/Documentation/1.5/Schema#external-schemaelement