I'm implementing a simple mechanism of passing variable between two goroutines with a channel. Here is my code:
pipe := make(chan string)
go func(out chan string, data string) { //1st goroutine
out <- DataSignerMd5(data)
}(pipe, data)
go func(in chan string) { //2nd goroutine
data := <-in
in <- DataSignerCrc32(data)
crcMdData := <- pipe
More likely, crcMdData
pulls a variable from pipe
before 2nd goroutine. I guess that I simply can create another channel to make this work. But maybe it's possible with a single pipe
You should use a second channel for what you want to do. You could get away with using a single channel and switching on the result, but that's not really ideal - you're basically trying to put two different types of objects into the same channel, and your program will end up being a lot cleaner and easier to reason about if you just have one channel per data type / intended transformation.