I have a tableView with static cells.
What I wan't, is that when the user selects a certain cell, the text from this cell, is passed to the previous viewController. I have never worked with static cells before and I can only seem to find tutorials and other questions regarding activating the cells, so they leed to another viewController.
So how do I pass data (what's written in the cell), when the cell is selected?
Is it a code in didSelectRowAtIndexPath?
Do I use segues? Then there will have to be hundreds of segues, if I have hundreds of cell, that the user can choose, right?
First you are assigning Array of String to DiaryQuestionLabel.text which accepts string only in destinationViewController. Just change the type of chosenQuestion to String in destinationViewController as below.
@IBOutlet weak var DiaryQuestionLabel: UILabel!
var chosenQuestion: String = ""
override func viewDidLoad() {
DiaryQuestionLabel.text = chosenQuestion
In your tableViewController You need to pass the value of selected index from your datasource array which you have used to set the data in your tableviewcell.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.destination is UpdatingIdentifiers {
let vc = segue.destination as? UpdatingIdentifiers
let selectedRowIndex = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow()
// Get tableviewcell object from indexpath and assign it's value to chosenQuestion of another controller.
let cell = yourtableview.cellForRow(at: selectedRowIndex)
let label = cell.viewWithTag(420) as! UILabel
vc?.chosenQuestion = label.text