I am writing a new RFC callable function in ABAP which should be able to import a list of key-values mapping.
The RFC calling application will use Python with the PyRFC library.
I am unsure whether I should create a new custom data structure of if I can re-use an existing data structure.
The import argument should be able to contain a list of this:
('key1', ['key1val1', 'key1val2', ...])
('key2', ['key2val1', 'key2val2', ...])
If possible I would like to re-use an existing data structure.
One ugly hack would be to design the API like this: use a string and parse at as json. But this is a work-around which I would like to avoid.
I found the data structure WDY_KEY_VALUE
but there the value is a string. I would need a structure where the value is a list of strings.
You can create a deep structure with KEY
defined with type STRING
defined with type STRINGTAB