I was looking at this SO post. Wanted to know two things
An integer constant expression shall have integer type
But not sure if long long and long are also treated in the same way. I tried with below example and did not get any compiler warnings or errors. So I guess integer means enum, char, int, long and long long.
int main(void)
unsigned long long a=4294967296LL; // no need of LL
switch (a)
case 4294967296:
(there is one unanswered comment by @user963241 in the same SO post).
Appreciate one switch case example to substantiate the use of floating constants that are immediate operands of casts.
I use MinGW 32 bit compiler.
As per the section 6.2.5 on Types in the C standard draft (N1570):
There are five standard integer types, designated as
char, short int, int, long int, long long int
These have signed
and unsigned
The meaning of "floating constants that are the immediate operands of casts" means that the operand of the cast is by itself (not after some arithmetic computation) is a floating constant.
For example:
(int)(3.14f) //1. Here the operand is an floating constant that is an immediate operand
(int)(22.0/7.0f) //2. Here the operand is NOT an floating constant that is an immediate operand.
You can use 1 in the switch case statement like this:
switch(op) {
case (int)(3.14f):