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Replacing fragments in FragmentActivity is freezing my application for more than 5 seconds

I have FragmentActivity called StartupActivity. This activity holds 5 Fragments -> LoginFragment, LostPasswordFragment, RegistrationFragment, Login2Fragment, CityPickFragment. I can switch between fragments using ToolBar BackButton. Problem is, that replacing certain fragment using suppportFragmentManager and simple transaction is lagging the app. If I click BackButton it takes nearly 5 second to switch fragment. Fragments has simple layout with 1 ImageView 2 EditTexts and Button (+ ToolBar).

Do you know what can be wrong?

Here is code example how fragment switching works. As I start StartupActivity right after SplashScreen, it will create all 5 Fragments as variables and it will set default Fragment to FrameLayout container.

Then in each 5 fragments is back button in toolbar and I set onClickListener() which calls method in parentActivity to switch fragment.

My Fragments have Tags, because I have to disable onBackPressed() at first fragment(You cant go back to SplashScreen from default Fragment).

fragmentBackButton.setOnClickListener {
            (activity as StartupActivity).switchToDefaultLoginFragment()

fun switchToDefaultLoginFragment(){
        fragmentTransaction = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
        fragmentTransaction.apply {
            replace(, defaultLoginFragment, "LOGIN_FRAGMENT")


  • Try to exucute your code inside Runnable . Like this

    Handler  mHandler = new Handler();
         Runnable mPendingRunnable = new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        // update the main content by replacing fragments
                        Fragment fragment = getHomeFragment();
                        FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
                        fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment, CURRENT_TAG);
                // If mPendingRunnable is not null, then add to the message queue
                if (mPendingRunnable != null) {

    Changing Your Fragment on Main Thread causing that issuie

    EDIT: In kotlin you can use like this

    private var   mDelayHandler : Handler? = Handler()
    internal val mRunnable: Runnable = Runnable {
            Fragment fragment = getHomeFragment();
                            FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
                            fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment, CURRENT_TAG);