I'd wrote a session scoped managed bean to cache the sesion user specific info in a domino xpages application,just like the following codes:
public class NBUserInfo {
private String fullUserName;
private String commonUserName;
private String displayName;
private String mailAddress;
private String themeType;
private String themeData;
private Session _session;
private Database _dbnames;
private Name _dominoName;
public NBUserInfo(){
System.out.println("初始化Managed Bean:NBUserInfo...");
_session = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentSession();
try {
_dbnames = _session.getDatabase(_session.getCurrentDatabase().getServer(), "names.nsf",false);
_dominoName = _session.createName(_session.getEffectiveUserName());
} catch (NotesException e) {
// TODO 自动生成 catch 块
public String getFullUserName() {
try {
fullUserName = _dominoName.getCanonical();
} catch (NotesException e) {
// TODO 自动生成 catch 块
return fullUserName;
then, i declared it in the faces-config to make it a session scoped bean:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--AUTOGEN-START-BUILDER:由 IBM Domino Designer 自动生成。请勿修改。-->
when testing the bean , I used it through #{NBUser.fullUserName}, it does not always return the user of the current domino http session context,for examples, I get logged in first by user "user1" and logged off,then logged in by user2, the bean seems to not recreated for the new user2 session,just still user1's session info .
is there some work around about this? my domino have been configed to LTPAToken SSO config. thanks a lot if any answers about it
As Mark Leusink mentions, sessionScope in XPages is linked to the browser session and not the (logged in) user session.
So you need a way to check if the current user matches the user tied to your user bean. One way to do this is to call a "verify" method in your user bean on each request. The "verify" method could look like this:
public void verify() {
// retrieve the username of the current user
String currentUser = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentSession().getEffectiveUserName();
// (re-)init the user bean if another user logged in
if (!currentUser.equals(getFullUserName())) {
// Call your constructor logic here
You can call this "verify" method in the beforePageLoad
event of one of your central custom controls (such as a custom control for your layout):
// (re-)init the userbean if another user logged in
Also, you should not store Domino specific objects in a bean.