My flutter app would like to show image from firebase by calling But the images displaying late a bit. Please kindly help to solve this issue. How to preload the images or save images into cache in advance?
child: ListTile(
width: 60.0,
title: Text(
food.foodName + " " + '\$' + food.foodPrice.toString()),
subtitle: Text('編碼: ' + food.foodCode),
onTap: () {}),
child: ListTile(
Image(image: new CachedNetworkImageProvider(food.thumbnail),
width: 60.0,),
title: Text(
food.foodName + " " + '\$' + food.foodPrice.toString()),
subtitle: Text('編碼: ' + food.foodCode),
onTap: () {}),
Please see my update that using CachedNetworkImageProvider, The image are also displaying late. I think I made some mistake. Please kindly help.
For cases like this, there is a Widget in flutter which comes out of the box and it is called FadeInImage
. You can use it like this:
height: 200.0, // Change it to your need
width: 300.0, // Change it to your need
fit: BoxFit.cover,
placeholder: AssetImage("assets/company_logo.jpg"),
image: NetworkImage(your_image_url),
The important property here is the placeHolder
, you can use any offline image stored in Assets like your company logo and when the images loads this will fade out and fresh image will fade in leading to a nice UX.