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Rails active storage issue with deleting individual uploads

I am saving some files to local storage via active storage. I am displaying them as links on my page. They could be pdfs, images, word docs etc. I want to have a link next to it to be able to delete the individual files but haven't gotten it to work yet. Here is what I have:

Projects Model:

class Project < ApplicationRecord

belongs_to :user

has_one :proj_status, :foreign_key => "status_id", :primary_key => 'status_id'

has_many_attached :uploads


Projects Show Page:

<%= link_to upload.filename, rails_blob_path(upload, disposition: :attachment) %>

<%= link_to 'Remove', delete_upload_project_url(, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>

Projects Controller delete upload method:

def delete_upload

attachment = ActiveStorage::Attachment.find(params[:id])

attachment.purge # or use purge_later

redirect_back(fallback_location: projects_path)


I get the error:

No route matches [GET] "/projects/1/delete_upload"

I am thinking this is a routing issue but I haven't been able to get it to work yet.

Also here is my routes section:

resources :projects do

  member do

  delete :delete_upload



Any thoughts or ideas on how to get this working?

Here is my rake routes for the projects section:

DELETE /projects/:id/delete_upload/:upload_id(.:format) projects#delete_upload

projects GET /projects(.:format) projects#index

POST /projects(.:format) projects#create

new_project GET /projects/new(.:format) projects#new

edit_project GET /projects/:id/edit(.:format) projects#edit

project GET /projects/:id(.:format) projects#show

PATCH /projects/:id(.:format) projects#update

PUT /projects/:id(.:format) projects#update

DELETE /projects/:id(.:format) projects#destroy

If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it!


  • Everything was set up correctly from the get go. The problem was that I had accidentally removed the include for application.js from my project. The lack of UJS reference was causing all requests to be gets instead of the delete in my case.