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asp.netnested-checkboxes list of grouped (nested) checkboxes

I want to create List of Grouped Checkboxes as follows:

  [] Item1
  [] Item2

Here Group# and item# are checkboxes. Does anyone know how to do this in I am getting data from DataSet. One limitation is that I am not allowed to use third party tool/controls or jQuery.

Many thanks,


  • Use repeater (or nested repeaters) to generate layout and java-script for beahavior. For example, lets say your dataset has two tables - Groups and Items and there foreign key relation among tables named "FK_Groups_Items". Then you can repeater such as

    <asp:Repeater ID="Groups" runat="server">
       <asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="Group" Text="'<%# Eval("Name") %>'" Value='<%# Eval("Value") %>' onclick="OnGroupClick">
       <p class="nested">
         <asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="Items" DataSource='<%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem).CreateChildView("FK_Groups_Items") %>'> DataValueField="Value" DataTextField="Name" />

    and following js function

    function OnGroupClick(group) {
      for(item in group.getElementsByTagName('input')) {
         item.checked = group.checked;

    Disclaimer: untested code just to give an hint/idea of approach