I am trying to execute the below spark-shell command in Linux terminal through java code.
echo spark.sparkContext.parallelize\(1 to 3,3\).map\(x => \
(SaveMode.Overwrite\).parquet\(\"/tmp/abinash\"\) | /opt/ab/cd/de/spark-shell
But getting "No such file or directory" error for /tmp/abinash even if file exist
I tried so many ways to solve this. But did not get any success. I assume there is an issue with escape character.
Can anyone help me with this what i am doing wrong here.
Try this.
> echo "spark.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 3,3).map(x => (x,\"city_\"+x)).toDF(\"num\",\"city\").write.partitionBy(\"num\").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet(\"/tmp/abinash\")"
spark.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 3,3).map(x => (x,"city_"+x)).toDF("num","city").write.partitionBy("num").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet("/tmp/abinash")