I read that signal power = signal * signal. What is that? what is signal? how do we obtain it? I'm programming in C(if that's necessary to post)
Signal is the amplitude of whatever input source you have sampled. E.g. for audio you might have 16 bit signed samples, and +32767 might represent say +1.0 V analogue and -32768 would be -1.0 V analogue. (The relationship between digital sample value and whatever analogue quantity you are sampling is usually linear, which makes life simple.)
To calculate the power of a signal you would measure the mean square value, e.g.
double sum_sq = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
sum_sq += (double)sample[i] * (double)sample[i];
double power = sum_sq / (double)N;