I am writing an image description which I want to append on multiple layers a bsp layer, a security layer and an application layer.
in bsp: I have image.bb and image-dev.bb with
require image.bb
on the other layers I have image.bbappend and image-dev.bbappend
require image.bbappend
does causes the error:
ERROR: ParseError in .../sources/meta-application/recipes-core/images/image.bbappend: not a BitBake file
When I build image the packages in image.bb and all image.bbappend are present
When I build image-dev the stuff in image.bb, image-dev.bb and all the image-dev.bbapend is present Not the packages from image.bbappend
bitbake -e image-dev yields:
# $IMAGE_INSTALL [21 operations]
# set .../sources/poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:212
# [doc] "Specifies the packages to install into an image. Image recipes set IMAGE_INSTALL to specify the packages to install into an image through image.bbclass."
# set .../sources/poky/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb:3
# "packagegroup-core-boot ${CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL}"
# set? .../sources/poky/meta/classes/core-image.bbclass:70
# set? .../sources/poky/meta/classes/image.bbclass:70
# ""
# set .../sources/poky/meta/classes/image.bbclass:71
# [type] "list"
# _append .../sources/meta-bsp/recipes-core/images/image.bb:32
# _append .../sources/meta-bsp/recipes-core/images/image-dev.bb:38
# _append .../sources/meta-application/recipes-core/images/image-dev.bbappend:24
# _append .../sources/meta-my-security/recipes-core/images/image-dev.bbappend:14
Any idea how to fully inherit/include the entire base image including all it's bbappends?!
Thank you! Stefan
I managed to solve it with the following structure:
... base packages
... development packages (like vim/htop/tree...)
... application packages
require image.inc
require image.inc
... application testing programms
security packages
require image.inc
require image.inc
.. security testing packages