Had anybody used JOSESwift successfully? In my case, decryption in the server failing, probably cannot find the matching private key or wrong with encryption. Getting error 500.
My code is, getting the public keys from a server.
keys?.keys?.forEach({ (key) in
do {
let jwkData = key.toJSONString()?.data(using: .utf8)
let rsaKey = try RSAPublicKey(data: jwkData!)
BPLogger.log("key components: \(rsaKey.parameters)")
BpidCache.shared.joseRsaKey = rsaKey
} catch {
BPLogger.debug("Error: \(error)")
The server expected a 'kid' field in the jose header, which was missing in the framework. So I have added it... The backend Java server uses nimbus library.
func generateParametersJose() {
let rsa = BpidCache.shared.joseRsaKey
var publicKey: SecKey? = nil
do {
publicKey = try rsa?.converted(to: SecKey.self)
} catch {
var header = JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512)
// header.parameters["kid"] = "1"
let jwk = MidApi.Model.JWTKey(key: cek);
let jwkData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(jwk)
BPLogger.debug("jwkData = \(String(data: jwkData, encoding: .utf8)!)")
let payload = Payload(jwkData)
// Encrypter algorithms must match header algorithms.
guard let encrypter = Encrypter<SecKey>(keyEncryptionAlgorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionKey: publicKey!, contentEncyptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512) else {
guard let jwe = try? JWE(header: header, payload: payload, encrypter: encrypter) else {
BPLogger.error("Falied jwe creation.")
var comps = jwe.compactSerializedString.components(separatedBy: ".")
var jweHeader = comps.first
let data = jweHeader?.base64URLDecode()
var orgH = try! JSONDecoder().decode(BPJweHeader.self, from: data!)
orgH.kid = "1"
let newJson = try! JSONEncoder().encode(orgH).base64URLEncodedString()
comps[0] = newJson
let newHeader = comps.joined(separator: ".")
BPLogger.log("jwe.compactSerializedString = \(newHeader)")
headers = ["X-Encrypted-Key": newHeader]
// headers = ["X-Encrypted-Key": jwe.compactSerializedString] // this also fails
What am I doing wrong?
The latest version of JOSESwift (1.3.0) contains a fix for the problem that prevented setting additional header parameters.
You can now set the additional header parameters listed in RFC-7516. Setting the "kid"
parameter like you tried to do in your question works like this:
var header = JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512)
header.kid = "1"
If you use the framework via CocoaPods, make sure to run pod repo update
to make sure you install the latest version which contains the fix.