I try to write a script that helps selecting pytest options depending on user input. Unfortunately, the scripts always fail because of the latest parameter, which relates to the marker.
I have suspect the quotation mark in the marker option to be the origin of the problem. Unfortunately, I cannot find any workaround.
Here is as MWE:
Content of test.sh
options+=("-m \"not dummy\"")
echo "about to launch pytest ${options[@]}"
pytest ${options[@]}
Content of test_dummy.py:
import pytest
def test_dummy():
Now the output of running test.sh script:
about to launch pytest -v -m "not dummy" =============================================================================================================================== test session starts =============================================================================================================================== platform linux -- Python 3.6.4, pytest-3.3.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0 -- /home/[...]/anaconda3/bin/python cachedir: .cache rootdir: /home/[...]/pytest, inifile: plugins: cov-2.5.1
========================================================================================================================== no tests ran in 0.00 seconds =========================================================================================================================== ERROR: file not found: dummy"
Of course, running the generated command
pytest -v -m "not dummy"
Works perfectly. How to overcome this problem
Thank you in advance
Not sure, but I think you problem comes from defining two arguments as a single one. Try to put all arguments separated:
options+=("-m" "not dummy")
echo "about to launch pytest ${options[@]}"
pytest "${options[@]}"