I am trying to unload redshift data and read it using spark. But I am getting more rows in unloaded data as compared to original records in Redshift table. This is happening because of new line characters in data. How can I unload the data so that I can read it safely using spark (without facing malformed records issue)
Sample data of one column -
5.7.1 [ 18] Our system has detected that this message is
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I tried below three combinations while unloading but no luck -
ALLOWOVERWRITE delimiter '\001' escape;
ALLOWOVERWRITE delimiter '\001' escape addquotes;
ALLOWOVERWRITE delimiter '\001' addquotes;
the unload syntax requires a select statement (an arbitrary query) as the input, not just the source table name, so you can replace newline symbols with empty strings or spaces in the query:
replace(your_text_field,'\n',' ')