I am trying to use curses to display some statistics, and I do face a problem.
I wanted to have a window which allow scrolling thanks to the keyboard. For this, I create a variable self.scroll, which tells me which lines I should display. The problem is that I want to increment this variable whenever I press KEY_DOWN.
Here is my code : In the init of the class, I do have :
self.stdscr = stdscr
self.scroll = 0
Then :
while True:
ch = self.stdscr.getch()
if ch == curses.KEY_DOWN:
self.scroll += 1
ch = None
elif ch == curses.KEY_UP:
if self.scroll >= 1:
self.scroll -= 1
ch = None
I also used a wrapper that can be found here to initialize everything.
The fact is that the variable scroll is stuck at 0, no matter what. Moreover, I see every key that I press (e.g ^[[A) whenever I press it, even if noecho() is set. I used nodelay(), because my thread is also processing some things, and I do not want it to be stopped while waiting for a key to be pressed. Do you have any idea from where it could come ?
Thanks a lot, Djaz
Finally, it was working from the beginning. The problem was just that for some strange reasons, curses did not detect KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN. I just replaced them by u and d
if ch == ord('p'):
and everything is working fine.
Thanks to everyone !